Growing Premium with simple, innovative technology


Carrier Integrations


Lines of Business


Distribution Portals


Day to Implement

Our Story

Launched in 2023, Envoy brainchild of Growthmill, a dedicated software services agency with a passion for crafting innovative insurtech solutions. Witnessing the transformative capabilities of Herald's API, we were inspired to create Envoy and soon emerged as a trusted partner with Herald.

At Growthmill, our extensive experience as a Stripe Verified Partner has provided a deep understanding of the seamless synergy between user-friendly APIs and the potential of no-code/low-code interfaces. This positions us to empower our customers for rapid revenue growth.

Find the solution that fits your

Envoy Insured's solution can work out-of-the-box or be tailored to your specific use case. Our team of engineers can even integrate with your AMS to scale operations and increase efficiency.
Book a free demo

Broker Portal

Brokers and agents can see all the quote applications in a single place

Retail Portal

Empower insureds to complete quote applications and compare quotes

Custom Implementations

Leverage our expertise with the Herald API to integrate solutions into your platform